Thursday, March 6, 2014

57th day of 2014

Today is February 27th. We are officially 57 days into the new year! Yay!

So... How are those new years resolutions looking? Common resolutions are to lose weight, be less dependent on caffeine, fall in love, save money, and stay organized. Personally, I promised myself that I would keep my apartment more organized, but I have kind of fallen off the bandwagon on that one. This post is dedicated to all you that want to better yourselves in some way but can't seem to keep on track! Let's see if we can get you back on track with those resolutions. If you want to see a list of common resolutions and statistics about them, click here.

Overall, to have a successful resolution, you MUST give yourself little goals to reach throughout the entire goal. This keeps you accountable and checks you throughout your journey. What kind of little goals should you make? Well, it depends on what kind of resolution you made!

Little goals for each resolution

- drink 1 glass of water with breakfast every day
- have 2 or less sweet treats a day
- chew every bite of food at least 5 times

- research different sources of caffeine than coffee
- switch an apple and some water out for a cup of coffee once a day
- drink a lower - caffeine tea to wean yourself off

- take steps to love yourself daily! Eat well, sleep a healthy amount, pay attention to yourself.
- smile at one new person a day and say hello
- go to a new place once a week

- eat at home instead of out at least once a day - prepare ahead!
- check movies out from the library on the weekend instead of the theater
- go on a spending cleanse (don't buy anything except food and essentials for a month)

- make your bed every morning
- put your dishes in the dishwasher or clean them right away
- put your clean clothes away within a day of drying them

I would suggest keeping sticky notes or a list of these mini goals somewhere you'd see it every day, like your bathroom mirror. Remember that you can make resolutions throughout the year, not just in early January! Keep at your goals and keep on truckin'. If you miss a mini goal one day, it's okay because it's just a mini goal. Start over the next day. You got it!

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